New Furnishings
Congratulations on the purchase of your new furnishings. Almost all new furnishings will give off some odor until they are fully aired. This may be true whether it is a rug, carpet pad, or materials used in new furniture or other new furnishings. The odor is related to a low level of emissions from the new furnishings.
Most emissions drop significantly after the first day or two and after the removal of any plastic or cardboard covering protecting them. In those situations in which the odor lingers, it is usually due to poor ventilation. Any odors, if noticeable at all, will generally disappear within a few days to a week.
The key to minimizing the odor and speeding up the “airing out” process is to ventilate, ventilate, and ventilate. Open windows or doors to let in fresh air. Run the fans or air conditioner on the “fresh air” ventilate or exhaust setting. If you work in an office building with windows that don’t open, ask the building manager to be certain that the fresh air intake is open on the central air handling system. If the odor is objectionable, request to be removed to another room or area of the building until the odor has subsided or disappears.
The small initial emissions and odor do not pose any known health risk. But some people more sensitive to these emissions at first experience some allergic or flu-like symptoms; again, fresh air is the best remedy.
ASCR International
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